Energy Healing
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Reiki (pronounced, ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning “Universal life-force.” It is a practice used to promote relaxation and healing and to reduce stress. This is done through the “laying on of hands”—a technique that has been practiced for millennia; it can be done with or without touching the receiver, who reclines fully clothed on a massage table. Through the use of visualizations and mentally repeated mantras, Reiki energy flows through the practitioner to the receiver. Reiki removes negative energy blocks and raises the vibrational frequency of the recipient’s electromagnetic energy field, thereby facilitating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Healing session lasts about one hour. Fee is $80
Reiki (pronounced, ray-key) is a Japanese word meaning “Universal life-force.” It is a practice used to promote relaxation and healing and to reduce stress. This is done through the “laying on of hands”—a technique that has been practiced for millennia; it can be done with or without touching the receiver, who reclines fully clothed on a massage table. Through the use of visualizations and mentally repeated mantras, Reiki energy flows through the practitioner to the receiver. Reiki removes negative energy blocks and raises the vibrational frequency of the recipient’s electromagnetic energy field, thereby facilitating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Healing session lasts about one hour. Fee is $80
Energy healing is a complementary and integrative therapy that stimulates one’s inherent ability to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually as tension, stress and anxiety are released. It has been proven so effective in managing pain and promoting healing that it is used by nurses in major hospitals and health facilities around the world.
Energy healing, or the “laying on of hands,” dates back to time immemorial, and it can be accomplished in person or in the form of distance healing. There are many types that include Crystal, Chi, Polarity, Shaman, Japanese Reiki, Chakra, etc. Essentially, they all accomplish the same thing: bringing the receiver into a receptive state of balance (homeostasis) and intensifying the flow of energy for promoting self-healing.
Each of us has an aura, or electromagnetic field of energy, that can extend up to a few feet beyond our physical body. It can scientifically be measured and even photographed using special types of equipment. In Yoga metaphysics, our aura, or electromagnetic field, is referred to as the astral body. The astral body is said to be the energy dynamo that continually energizes our physical body as well as revitalizes and repairs it during rest and sleep.
During a healing session, the healer-practitioner, applying intense concentration, transfers life-force energy through his hands into the energy field (astral body) of the recipient, thus elevating its vibrational frequency and making it stronger and more effective for whatever requires healing on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Energy can also be directed to specific areas that are in need of help.
The degree of effectiveness of this type of therapy depends on two things: The healer should have the ability to concentrate deeply in a meditative way and maintain it for long periods during the session. The receiver should be in a receptive or accepting state of mind without any doubts or negative thoughts. It is a partnership between healer and receiver.
Energy healing is a complementary and integrative therapy that stimulates one’s inherent ability to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually as tension, stress and anxiety are released. It has been proven so effective in managing pain and promoting healing that it is used by nurses in major hospitals and health facilities around the world.
Energy healing, or the “laying on of hands,” dates back to time immemorial, and it can be accomplished in person or in the form of distance healing. There are many types that include Crystal, Chi, Polarity, Shaman, Japanese Reiki, Chakra, etc. Essentially, they all accomplish the same thing: bringing the receiver into a receptive state of balance (homeostasis) and intensifying the flow of energy for promoting self-healing.
Each of us has an aura, or electromagnetic field of energy, that can extend up to a few feet beyond our physical body. It can scientifically be measured and even photographed using special types of equipment. In Yoga metaphysics, our aura, or electromagnetic field, is referred to as the astral body. The astral body is said to be the energy dynamo that continually energizes our physical body as well as revitalizes and repairs it during rest and sleep.
During a healing session, the healer-practitioner, applying intense concentration, transfers life-force energy through his hands into the energy field (astral body) of the recipient, thus elevating its vibrational frequency and making it stronger and more effective for whatever requires healing on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Energy can also be directed to specific areas that are in need of help.
The degree of effectiveness of this type of therapy depends on two things: The healer should have the ability to concentrate deeply in a meditative way and maintain it for long periods during the session. The receiver should be in a receptive or accepting state of mind without any doubts or negative thoughts. It is a partnership between healer and receiver.